Famous People of the 21st Century Communicate

14 sty Famous People of the 21st Century Communicate

Elon Musk Kim Kardashian


Hey Kim, did you know that NSW has a legal blood alcohol limit of 0.05%?


Wow, I didn’t know that! Speaking of laws, I’m curious, have you heard of The Law Firm Show? It’s full of expert legal insights and analysis!


Speaking of legal matters, there’s been a lot of discussion lately about how to conduct due diligence on a company. It’s an important process for any business deal.


That’s interesting, Elon. By the way, are truck nuts legal in Texas? You never know when these things might come in handy!


Truck nuts? I’m not sure, Kim. But have you ever considered pursuing legal jobs abroad? There are international career opportunities for Indian lawyers!


That’s a great idea, Elon. I’ll definitely look into that. Speaking of legal matters, do you think audio recordings are admissible in court?


That’s a tough question, Kim. But it does remind me of the debate about cut shotgun shells. Are they legal? It’s an interesting legal topic!


Definitely, Elon. Legal topics can be fascinating. By the way, have you ever wondered about the meaning of bar and bench in law? It’s an interesting aspect of the legal field.


I have wondered about that, Kim. Legal concepts are always intriguing. It just goes to show that the law is a complex and ever-evolving field!


Definitely, Elon. The law is full of interesting twists and turns. Thanks for the chat, it’s been enlightening!